Winding machine tension device manufacturers of magnetic tension device maintenance
Winding machine tension device manufacturers of magnetic tension device maintenance
No matter is the use of the operation of the kind of model must be carried out according to the accurate standardized operation, winding machine tension device manufacturers of magnetic tension device installation application.
When in work, tension rod shall not be higher than the red line position, tension only by minor, not allowed by the major small, in hours, must stop in the state, in order to avoid breakage. Present fluctuation phenomena in the adjustment, first the tension adjustment to the maximum, and then slowly retreated to the required tension adjust. When installing the rotary handle shoulds not be too big, or will affect the firmness, avoid falls, will damage the ceramic element and shell.
When in use, do not use line with the model mismatch, the damping wheel is strictly prohibited add oil, do not arbitrarily open the back cover and adjust. The regular replacement of wool circle, lest plug wire mouth, showing abnormal sound or not should be promptly replaced, because the bearing has worn. The damping wheel slipping, O type ring was stained with alcohol cotton to wipe the damping wheel pull in, can remove wax dirt. Keep the site clean, long time does not use or after long-term use as presented in tension instability, please stop in time, from small to big knob, from big to small repeated several times, can recover the initial state. If is the use of magnetic tension device with the cylinder, pressure shall not be less than 5 kg.
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